
Background color in word
Background color in word

background color in word

Locate and click on the color you want the color of the document’s background changed to.Click on Page Color in the Page Background section.On the other hand, if you’re using Word 2013 or an even newer version of Word, navigate to the Design tab in Word’s toolbar. If you’re using Word 2007 or Word 2010, navigate to the Page Layout tab in Word’s toolbar.

background color in word

Open the document you want to change the background color of.In addition, like most other customization features and functionalities Microsoft Word has to offer, changing the background color in Word is a pretty simple procedure. While documents created for professional purposes almost never require custom backgrounds or even custom background colors, customized background colors have tons of different other uses and often come in handy.Ĭhanging the color of a Word document’s background is possible in all versions of Microsoft Word, and also works basically the same (although a tad bit of variation does exist in the process depending on what version of Word you’re using) in all versions of the word processor. Yes, that’s right – if you’re typing up a document on Microsoft Word, you even gave autonomy over the color of the document’s background. Microsoft Word users can customize a boat load of different things – from changing text to adding and formatting graphical elements all the way to changing the color of a document’s background.

background color in word

It should come as no surprise that Microsoft Word has a literal myriad of features to offer to its users, being the most popular and arguably the best word processor out there for computers and all.

Background color in word